UP-ND-7: FULL SIZE NAPKIN HOLDER (3 7/8×4 3/4×7 3/8)
FULL SIZE NAPKIN HOLDER (3 7/8x4 3/4x7 3/8)
Product Information
Anyone in the restaurant business has seen this scenario played out a thousand times: A glass is knocked over and soda spills across a table loaded with patrons. People stand up to avoid the dripping mess, and it takes several trips, and minutes, to grab more napkins and eventually restore order. A dining experience has been ruined for one table-full of customers, and the patrons around them have had their meal interrupted, at best. While such accidents can’t be avoided, they could be fairly easily managed with the help of Update International’s stainless steel napkin dispenser (ND-7). This dispenser is designed to hold 3 1/2” x 7” folded napkins and is perfect for tabletops.